Nahajate se tu: Domov Directive Ecodesign directive

Ecodesign directive

The objective of the new European Eco Design Directive is the integration of environmental aspects into product design with the aim of improving the environmental performance of the product throughout its whole life cycle.

Air conditioners have been identified as Energy Related Products (ERPs) because have an impact on energy consumption during use.

Therefore a new set of rules for energy efficiency measurements and specifications have been defined which will be integrated in the new energy efficiency label.

Toshiba applies the new calculation methods of the ecodesign directive and all its products will be in line with Lot10 and Lot11 requirements.

Ecodesign directive 31.12.2012
Environmental Vision 2050 31.12.2012
Lot 11 31.12.2012
Lot 10 31.12.2012
Four Greens concept 31.12.2012