Environmental Vision 2050
Through value creation inspired by our three over-arching themes - "Surprise and Sensation," "Safety and Security," and "Comfort"- coupled with a wholehearted commitment to the prevention of global warming, control of chemical substances and efficient utilization of resources, we intend to bring our business process and products into ever closer harmony with the needs of planet Earth. We believe these efforts will help to build a sustainable society.
As solutions for various environmental issues, including climate change, are called for, Toshiba Group has developed Environmental Vision 2050 to ensure that these environmental issues are solved and that all people can lead affluent lifestyles in harmony with the Earth.

Committed to People, Committed to the Future
The philosophy if serving the public with passion and commitment to innovation is firmly incorporated in our company DNA. As we accelerate our global business development, we hope to provide our products and services to a greater number of people so that we can realize a world in which all people lead affluent lifestyles in harmony with the Earth.
To that end, we will stay true to Toshiba Group’s slogan, “Committed to People, Committed to the Future,” and will strive to become the most excellent company in environmental management earning the trust of society.

Four Greens concept
Greening of Process
Environmentally conscious manufacturing
Achieving one of the world’s lowest levels of environmental impacts by reducing all manufacturing-related environmental impact
Greening of Products
Creation of Products with the Highest Level of Environmental Performance
Achieving the highest level of environmental performance in all newly developed products to reduce life-cycle environmental impact
Greening by technology
Energy and envirnomental technologies
Contributing to provision of a stable power supply and mitigation of climate change through the low-carbon energy technologies
Green Management
Continuous imporvement of Basic activities
Aiming to be the most excellent company in environmental management through the training of employees and continuous improvement in environmental communications